
17 Pregnancy Do's and Don'ts You May Not Know

Pregnancy Do's and Don'ts

You must assist your tiny bundle of joy to develop in a caring, healthy environment before they come. This list of pregnancy do's and don'ts might help you figure out what you should and shouldn't be concerned about.

List of pregnancy do's

1. Pregnancy Do's: Take a multivitamin when pregnant

Eating a well-balanced, vitamin- and mineral-rich diet is the greatest way to ensure that your body receives all of the healthy nutrients it needs to support a developing baby. A healthy diet, on the other hand, may not be sufficient for pregnancy.

Prenatal vitamins include increased quantities of key nutrients that pregnant women need in larger dosages, such as:
  • Calcium
  • iron
  • folic acid

These vitamins aid in fetal growth and help avoid birth abnormalities. Your doctor can assist you in determining the optimal multivitamin or vitamin combination for you.

DHA, EPA, or both are often included in multivitamins. These are omega-3 fats that are necessary for normal brain development in your baby.

However, don't take more than one dosage of multivitamins. Some vitamins in excess might be detrimental to the baby.

2. Pregnancy Do's: Get plenty of sleep

Changes in hormone levels, anticipation, and worry may all make sleep difficult to come by throughout your 9-month pregnancy. Pregnancy is exhausting, particularly in the latter trimester, and you'll need your rest.

If you're fatigued, take a brief sleep and plan naps whenever possible. Set and adhere to bedtimes.

Each night, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep. Fatigue is an indication that your body needs more rest, so get as much rest as you can.

3. Pregnancy Do's: Workout

Pregnant ladies no longer avoid touching anything throughout their pregnancies: We now know that exercise is beneficial to both mom and baby.

In reality, regular exercise may assist you in dealing with many of the challenges that develop during pregnancy, such as:
  • Muscle soreness from sleeplessness
  • Mood issues as a result of substantial weight gain

Maintain your usual workout routine if you did it before becoming pregnant. Discuss any changes you should make to your routine with your doctor, particularly as you enter your second and third trimesters.

If you didn't frequently exercise before discovering you were pregnant, talk to your doctor about introducing a fitness program into your daily routine. They can point you in the direction of a regimen that is both safe and pleasant for you and your developing baby.

4. Pregnancy Do's: Consume seafood

Seafood is high in vitamins and minerals such as omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron. All of these are essential for both mom and baby. However, raw or undercooked fish might create complications.

When seafood is completely cooked, dangerous germs and viruses are eradicated. Pregnant women should also avoid raw seafood and fish with high levels of mercury.

High-mercury fish include:
  • King mackerel 
  • Shark
  • Swordfish
  • Tilefish

Eat a variety of seafood to avoid mineral concentrations from a single species of fish. Limit your weekly fish consumption to 12 ounces.

5. Pregnancy Do's: Engage in sex

Sex during pregnancy is accepted as long as there is no complicating issue, such as placenta previa or another sort of high-risk pregnancy.

Sex with your spouse is risk-free until your water breaks. If you are experiencing pain, you may need to try alternative postures. If you have any concerns regarding the safety of intercourse while pregnant, see your doctor.

6. Pregnancy Do's: Practice yoga

You should avoid Bikram or hot yoga while pregnant, but other yoga styles are OK. Look for prenatal or gentle yoga courses for expecting moms. The instructors in these sessions will know which positions are optimal and which you should avoid.

If you were not practising yoga before becoming pregnant, see your doctor before enrolling in a class. While you may be able to begin, it is advisable to discuss the risks and concerns with your doctor.

7. Pregnancy Do's: Obtain a flu vaccination

Pregnant women may and should get a flu vaccination, as long as there are no contraindications listed by the manufacturer.

The virus in the injection is not alive. The flu vaccine cannot cause the flu. If you have influenza while pregnant, your chances of having serious side effects are higher than in women of the same age who aren't pregnant.

The immunization will protect both you and your fetus.

8. Pregnancy Do's: Gain weight in a smart way.

The recommendation to expectant moms to "eat for two" is not a license to eat whatever they want. Instead, women must plan what they consume and how much they eat.

Putting on a lot of weight during pregnancy may cause more damage than benefit to your baby. You simply need roughly 100 more calories each day to sustain your developing fetus throughout your first trimester.

By the third trimester, you're looking at an extra 300 to 500 calories each day.

9. Pregnancy Do's: Schedule an appointment with your dentist

For decades, dental visits were avoided out of concern that a mouth cleaning might spread germs and lead to an illness. We now know that this is not the case.

In fact, dentist advises that pregnant women get a thorough oral health examination, as well as frequent dental cleanings, while pregnant. Inform your dentist that you are expecting.

List of pregnancy dont's

10. Pregnancy Don'ts: Don't smoke

Babies born to pregnant moms have a lower birth weight and a higher chance of cognitive problems than children born to nonsmoking mothers.

Furthermore, owing to physiologic nicotine addiction, children born to smokers are more prone to attempt smoking at a younger age and become habitual smokers at a younger age.

11. Pregnancy Don'ts: Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol may have a significant influence on your baby's development. People who consume alcohol while pregnant may give birth to a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

FAS symptoms include the following:
  • learning impairments, and behavioural issues
  • lagging growth and development patterns

Alcohol, even in small amounts, can be harmful. There appears to be no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

If you need help quitting drinking while pregnant, consult your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you seek medical attention, the healthier your baby will be.

12. Pregnancy Don'ts: Consume no raw meat.

Foodborne illnesses such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis can occur when raw or undercooked meat and eggs are consumed. There is also the possibility of food poisoning.

These conditions can result in serious, life-threatening illnesses, as well as birth defects and even miscarriage. Make sure that all eggs and meat you consume while pregnant are thoroughly cooked.

13. Pregnancy Don'ts: Avoid deli meat.

Deli meats, such as hot dogs, sausages, smoked salmon, and other cured meats, can cause listeriosis and toxoplasmosis.

Sliced meat has a much larger surface area for bacterial growth. You can reduce your risk by thoroughly cooking these processed proteins.

It's also crucial to consume pasteurized (rather than raw) milk and cheese. Wash produce regularly to help eliminate harmful bacteria.

14 Pregnancy Don'ts: Avoid consuming unpasteurized milk products.

Calcium is essential for growing babies, but mothers must be cautious about how they obtain calcium from dairy.

Raw milk is not recommended. Because it is unpasteurized, it is a trusted source for expecting mothers. This means it hasn't been heated to kill bacteria that could make you sick.

Raw milk, in particular, may contain Listeria. It can cause illness, miscarriage, or even death.

15. Pregnancy Don'ts: Avoid using a hot tub or sauna.

The high-heat environment of hot tubs, Jacuzzis, and saunas, while relaxing, may be too dangerous for expecting mothers.

In fact, using one of these during your first trimester may more than double your risk of miscarriage. Soaking in hot water can cause the baby's body temperature to rise, increasing the risk of birth defects.

16. Pregnancy Don'ts: Avoid excessive caffeine consumption.

Caffeine can cross the placenta and raise your child's heart rate.

According to current research, women can safely drink a cup or two of coffee per day, but avoid a triple-shot latte while pregnant.

17. Pregnancy Don'ts: Do not clean the litter box for your cat.

Pet your pet as much as you want and then wash your hands — but never clean a cat's litter box.

Millions of bacteria and parasites are present in the feline waste. Toxoplasma gondiiTrusted Source is particularly dangerous to pregnant women.

If you get it, you may not realize it until you have complications with your pregnancy. It is possible to have a miscarriage or stillbirth. Babies infected with this parasite may suffer from serious health issues such as seizures and mental disabilities.